Monday 10 April 2017

more command

A popular cross-platform terminal pager is more. Originally allowing only forward navigation through a file, though newer implementations do allow for limited backward movement. More can move forwards and backwards in text files but cannot move backwards in pipes.
To open a file using more, type the more command followed by the file name.

Once more has obtained input, it displays as much as can fit on the current screen and waits for user input to advance, with the exception that a form feed (^L) will also cause more to wait at that line, regardless of the amount of text on the screen. In the lower-left corner of the screen is displayed the text "--More--" and a percentage, representing the percent of the file that more has paged through. This percentage includes the text displayed on the current screen. When more reaches the end of a file 100%  it exits. The most common methods of navigating through a file are Enter, which advances the output by one line, and Space, which advances the output by one screen.

more [options] [file_name]


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