Thursday 10 August 2017

How to INSERT row into table

The INSERT statement is one of the syntax of DML DATA MANIPULATION LANGUAGE. The INSERT statement is used to insert a single record or multiple records into a table in Oracle. When inserting records into a table, value should be provided for every not null column. Also we can avoid a column from the INSERT statement if the column allows NULL values.

INSERT INTO table [(column, column...)]
VALUES (value, value...);

Let us take students table for reference.

select * from students
As we can see currently the table is empty and not a single row present.
Now we will insert one record into the students table by below SQL query.

INSERT INTO students (FirstName, LastName, RollNo, Address, City)
VALUES ('Rachel','Green','21','A4 central perk','Ottawa');


select * from students
We can see row for Rachel Green has been inserted in the students table.

The INSERT ALL statement is used to add multiple rows with a single INSERT statement. The rows can be inserted into one table or multiple tables using only one SQL command.


We will now insert 5 records into students table using INSERT ALL statement as shown below:

into students ( firstname, lastname , rollno, address, city ) 
values ('Oliver','Queen',04,'1501P Avenue','Starling')
into students ( firstname, lastname , rollno, address, city ) 
values ('Barry','Allen',45,'701 Madison Building','Central')
into students ( firstname, lastname , rollno, address, city ) 
values ('Kara','Danvers',14,'108 Times Square','National')
into students ( firstname, lastname , rollno, address, city ) 
values ('Leonard','Snart',12,'201 B Prospect Plaza','Central')
into students ( firstname, lastname , rollno, address, city ) 
values ('Bruce','Wayne',13,'Star Mansion','Gotham')
select * from dual;


select * from students
All the records are successfully inserted in the students table.

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