$ vi delete
LOGFILE=/home/ flash /logs/delete.log
touch $LOGFILE
echo " ------Starting Time `date`
--------------- ">>$LOGFILE
cd /home/flash/enemy/bad
echo " ------FILE
ls -lR /home/flash/enemy/bad/* | wc -l
ls -ltr *.bad | awk '{print $9}' | xargs \rm
Here delete is the script name.
Firstly we have created a LOGFILE variable to create logs and
defined the path where the log is to be created.
Touch command will create and empty file.
Echo command output will be redirected (>>) to LOGFILE in
which current date stamp is added.
When you want to print output of any command inside echo command
use : ` at the beginning and end of
E.g.: `date`
cd will change directory and then write the current count of files
into LOGFILE by wc-l command
ls -lR /home/flash/enemy/bad/* | wc -l >>$LOGFILE
Here * means alll the types of file. We can specify type of
extension to delete specific file.
E.g.: *.bad, *.txt
Last command is to remove files from the directory.
Then chmod 755 to change permissions of the file.
Now run the script by
./scriptname and will remove the files.
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